Wie lange seid ihr schon verheiratet?
Fünf Jahre, nächste Woche.
Fünf Jahre.
Eine gute Ehe?
Die meiste Zeit glücklich?
Wie lange seid ihr schon verheiratet?
Fünf Jahre, nächste Woche.
Fünf Jahre.
Eine gute Ehe?
Die meiste Zeit glücklich?
I already find open relationships absurd, if you can fuck here and there, why commit to a relationship or worse a marriage? but when I hear "we are in an open relationship but he/she cheated on me" then we enter a level of indescribable stupidity, I mean you are both unfaithful and cuckolded anyway what difference does it make to know it before or after the result is the same...
let's then come to the subject of the videos, even in an open couple, even if you supposedly cheated on (once again how is this possible if the relationship is open only the average persons of the same intellectual level as weak as theirs will be able to understand it and explain to us) why would you stay with a woman who doesn't respect you and trying to humiliate you with an ugly and completely stupid monkey who should have thought of consulting a dentist because the gap between her teeth is visibly equal to her intellectual void?
what sane person would sit there instead of leaving, what sane person would want to back home with that stupid 304 and continue living with it? everything in this scene is unspeakably stupid!!